How to Manage Bookmarks and Favorites In Any Browser

What is “thelist?”

Davenport Bookmarks logo.Saving, Organizing, and Managing hundreds or thousands of “Internet Bookmarks (the urls)” or “Favorites” [for you windows users] is a constant task. And if unattended, can be downright unruly and time-consuming searching for the right link for a product or a website of information that was saved months or maybe years ago — if they were saved at all from the last browser update, OS update, or computer upgrade.

With so many possibilities of losing a link to someplace important — they would have to be since I took the time to click “bookmark” in the browser while on the page — and wasting time searching for them to revisit or share with someone, I had to make the system better. I also thought that even when the bookmarks are organized they can only be accessed in the browser on the computer at home, which is a disadvantage and limits their purpose and value.

Fixing the Problem

I remedied that problem in July of 2000 by creating the list (these pages) and organized my Internet Links into alphabetical categories with additional information. Gone are the days of searching through the exhaustive bookmarks and stored URLs of places of interest, applications I use, companies I support, and the best places to go, as well as sorting the ones that were outdated, I never visited, or not finding and remembering places I wanted to revisit.

Many people have a thousand plus websites bookmarked or favorited in their browser. And a majority of them are not organized. Even if the bookmarks are organized they can only be accessed in the browser on the computer at home, which is a disadvantage and limits their purpose and value.

Best of all

I have access to the bookmarks and favorites anywhere in the world and so do you. And my web browsers are uncluttered.

I link to products and services we use, enjoy, and love. Companies that have a high sense of responsibility to the consumer, the environment, and to their industry that offer quality products, high level of service, and caring support.

If you believe that my choices could be improved, I welcome links to the companies, products, and services with information containing reasons you feel we should be using the products or services. AGAIN: the links contained on the pages are for me to access anywhere in the world and are products, services, and locations, or companies.

None of the links are associated with or contain affilate links — I do not receive a commission when you click, visit, or purchase anything that is directed from this site.

How do you manage all your bookmarks and links in your browser?

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